Things to do when bored on computer

Things to do when bored on computer

On the Internet, there is a lot of strange and awesome stuff, but not everything goes viral or is searchable via Google.

You’ll come across some new blogs, websites, webcomics, social networks, online communities, and forums that are worth checking out. Despite the title’s claim of “fun things to do,” I’ve tried to balance the “useful” and “time-wasters.”

View Videos

Because they are passive, videos are an excellent way to time spend. You don’t have to do anything but relax and zone out until the video is finished. Continue for as long as you like.

There are numerous channels on YouTube that are both entertaining and educational.

These types of videos are great to watch when you’re bored online because they can expand your mind, teach you new things, and even help you become more perceptive and empathetic.

Play Video Games

Online games include first-person shooter games, puzzle games, strategy and war games, city-building games, and even multiplayer board games.

The Game of Wikis:

This game is based on a Wikipedia article exploration. It gives you a starting article and an ending article, and your goal is to only click on internal Wikipedia links to get from one to the other. There are five modes to choose from: quickest, fewest clicks, exactly six clicks, no use of “United States” as a link, and five clicks to Jesus.


This game takes you around the world using Street View, and your goal is to look around and guess where you are by placing a pin on a world map. Your score is determined by how close your guess came to being correct. You can choose from several different maps to narrow down the number of possible locations.

Talk to Cleverbot.

Spend some time conversing with an artificial intelligence about strange, surprising, and sometimes troubling topics before it becomes self-aware and kills us all! You can talk to Cleverbot or look through a list of its most amusing interactions.

Research business ideas.

You are considering starting your own company. Study the opposition. To make it work, brainstorm product ideas, tips, and tricks. Are you aware of all the paperwork you’ll require if you decide to open it?

Interesting facts

You could also look up some interesting facts. This will relieve a lot of your anxiety. When you get together with your friends again, you’ll be the smart guy in the room who knows everything, even if no one speaks to him.

Organize the files in your computer.

I understand you preferred This one was not written by me. You could also say you didn’t read it. Your Downloads folder, on the other hand, is a jumble of unsorted files, photos, and zip folders… How much longer will you ignore it?

Podcasts to listen to

Podcasts are a fantastic way to time spend. For starters, you should look into mystery, true-crime, and true-story podcasts, which are among the most popular and plentiful genres.

Podcasts are also beneficial for personal growth. Personal finance podcasts can teach you a lot about money management and how to get out of debt. There are also podcasts on time management and productivity. One of the reasons that podcasts are becoming more popular is for self-education.

Because most podcast apps allow you to download podcasts for offline listening, listening to audio episodes while waiting for an appointment or doing chores is a productive way to time spend

Read comic books or electronic books

Did you know there are several free online comics reading options? Not only are amateur webcomics freely available, but you can also read DC, Marvel, and Vertigo comics without paying!
When you’re bored, another good way to pass the time is to read eBooks. There are a few fantastic websites where you can get free eBooks ranging from classical antiquity to contemporary fiction. A single eBook can provide hours of entertainment, and you can carry thousands of them on your phone at all times.

Start blogging

Journaling is a tried-and-true activity with a variety of mental and psychological benefits. The only difference now is where we keep our journals and how we write them—instead of physical notebooks, we now use apps or even blog about our entries.
It makes no difference what you write as long as you take it seriously and write down your true feelings. If you scribble your thoughts whenever you’re bored for 30 days, it will become a habit. Maintain this for a few more months, and you’ll start to see results–slowly but steadily.

Investigate Reddit

When all else fails, visit Reddit, the world’s largest time-wasting website. Have you ever heard of it? Reddit is a hub for tens of thousands of user-created communities.
Users can create new Subreddits at any time, and each community (called a Subreddit) can focus on any topic or idea. You can look through forums about finance, personal development, memes, funny videos, and other topics.

Take a Look Around

A virtual tour is an unusual way to pass the time while bored online. Even the most accomplished travellers are unlikely to see everything they desire in their lifetime. You can get a taste of what a real-life experience would be like by taking a virtual tour from the comfort of your own home.

There are thousands of virtual tour options to choose from, whether you want to see museums or mountaintops.

View science-related videos

Scientists have screened and approved the videos. Chemistry, Space, Computer Science, Robotics, and many more are among the categories.

Garfield without the Garfield

Garfield is taken out of the old Garfield cartoon strips. As a result, Jon Arbuckle is left talking to himself. The goal is to expose a certain young Mr. Jon Arbuckle’s existential angst. It’s a journey into the mind of an isolated young everyman in a quiet American suburb, fighting a losing battle against loneliness and depression.